Stratford In Stitches
Have fun with wool in Stratford upon Avon, work on community projects and meet new people.
Who's it for?
Stratford in Stitches is a drop in group for adults 16+
Every Thursday at the Old Slaughterhouse and Heritage Centre, from 11am until 12:30pm.
Join if...
You're interested in different techniques, such as knitting, crocheting and sewing.
What's next?
Join a session so you can experience it for yourself (it's free).
Programme Info
In 2018, Stratford In Stitches decorated a wedding dress with quotes, pictures and symbols inspired by the stories of local Land Girls to support Escape's 2018 exhibition, Warwickshire Land Girls: The Food of Love. The dress was celebrated at Heritage Open Days in 2018, where Escape hosted a mock wedding with a young volunteer wearing the dress and real Warwickshire Land Girls as the bridesmaids. Watch the video of this very special event here.
A variety of projects have been completed and the group have just finished making baby bonnets and booties for Warwick Hospital Premature Baby Unit.
Stratford In Stitches are also keen yarnbombers, contributing to GAGA's tree yarnbombing on the Bancroft Gardens and more recently, yarnbombing the Old Slaughterhouse. Donations of wool are always appreciated. If you are interested in getting involved we would love to hear from you.
Seen enough?
Get involved today
We are always looking for new members to join this project.