Nuneaton Escape Bookshelf: Vina's Shelf
Participants attending Escape Arts Nuneaton Escape community group worked with Artist Jonny Nicholds on the Double Negative project. The group decided that they would want to use this theme to show their real selves and speak their hidden truths. In discussions, we decided that a library was the ideal setting for showcasing their stories and memories. Each member created a shelf housing book spines which are personal to them. This is Vina's shelf.

I was born in October 1948 (Scorpio) and went to Bulkington School. My favourite books as a child were Treasure Island, Little Women and Alice in Wonderland.
Family: I married Gary in June and have been married for 53 years. I have two daughters and have three grandchildren Following a DNA test I found a sister who was born 3 years before me, who was also adopted like me. She also has two daughters. We have met and learned that we had the same bridesmaids colours for her wedding.
Hobbies: Jigsaws and reading. My favourite film is Shirley Valentine.